
> sign up and log into a Spotify account;> use playlists, but interact with them occasionally (row, skip, repeat);> playlists should be a maximum of 3 hours long and include multiple artists;> for highly focused playlists, 2-3 songs between each repetition of the song is sufficient;> don't loop the songs;> don't mute the music;> don't fast forward the music.

Hoseok's works



> register and login to a youtube account;> watch the video until the end;> use 480p quality or higher;> watch at least 2-3 videos in between, the videos must be at least 30 seconds long;> don't repeat the video;> avoid using adblockers;> do not clear your history.

Hoseok's works



> sign up and log in to a soundcloud account (be sure to check your e-mail);> one playback = 1 transmission;> looping is ok, but not for too long. change songs every 5 plays or so;> using playlists is a good way to stream;> interact with the site from time to time, for example every hour, changing playlists, queuing up a song, refreshing the page.

Hoseok's works


Apple Music

> register and log into an account (Android users can also use apple music);> buy the song;> delete it from your library by long-pressing and pressing "remove";> search for the song manually and press play;> volume should be 50% or more
⋆ two songs between each repeat of the song;
> change the playlist from time to time;> other artists must also be in the playlist.